One iPhone Tracker App Busts All Tracking Woes!

We all want to have a secret spy agent who could keep the wayward teens and sluggish employees under surveillance. While this remains a far cry, you could still have almost same rather more effective way to bust all your tracking woes: iPhone tracking app! This one undetectable app will do wonders for you- trust me!

iPhone Tracking Vs. Tracking Woes:

You suspect your employees to stay idle when you’re not in the office, worry they misuse office resources and even sneak office without notice. On the other front, you have your kids to take care of. They would simply love to hide everything from you because it feels like grownups. They might talk to people you wouldn’t approve, sound too much time on social networking sites and even get cyber bullied. To bust all these tracking owes, get an iPhone tracking app installed on their phones and the problem is solved!

Choosing the Right Tracking App:

Choosing the right iPhone tracking app can be tricky especially when you don’t have a profound knowledge on the tracking apps and what to expect. I had a similar predicament but fortunately, I had some tech savvy friends who suggested the right iPhone tracking app- StealthGenie! It had recently rolled out the first ever tracker app for iPhone 5 and that’s why it caught my eye. Also it had some fascinating features I thought too irritable to miss!

StealthGenie is on Top!

It sounded great but I found it even better when I tried it practically. I installed the app on my kids and employees’ phones. It took some time to find the right opportunity but I did that fine. After that StealthGenie let me view all phone usage stats of the target iPhone neatly organized on online interface.

StealthGenie runs in the phone’s background and so it doesn’t meddle with phone’s functionality and they don’t get a clue about being tracked.

·         The features that got me hooked with this iPhone tracking app are:

·         Trigger alerts- instant alerts on predefined words and contacts

·         Phone surrounding recording- recordings to let you listen to all in-room conversations

·         Location history- list of all places visited by your target phone with route maps

·         WhatsApp and iMessage chat logs- record of all messages and multimedia exchanged

What’s Your Take?

Now it’s up to you: do you want to keep your worries with you or want to get done with them for once and for all? If you choose latter than I suggest choose StealthGenie. This iPhone tracking app is all you’d need!